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module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior

Inherits From


[R] request
[R] response

Public instance methods

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 592
def build_response(klass)
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 552
def controller_class_name
  @controller.class.anonymous? ? "anonymous" : @controller.class.controller_path

Simulate a DELETE request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. See get for more details.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 463
def delete(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "DELETE", **args)
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 556
def generated_path(generated_extras)

Simulate a GET request with the given parameters.

  • action: The controller action to call.

  • params: The hash with HTTP parameters that you want to pass. This may be nil.

  • body: The request body with a string that is appropriately encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data).

  • session: A hash of parameters to store in the session. This may be nil.

  • flash: A hash of parameters to store in the flash. This may be nil.

You can also simulate POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with post, patch, put, delete, and head. Example sending parameters, session, and setting a flash message:

get :show,
  params: { id: 7 },
  session: { user_id: 1 },
  flash: { notice: 'This is flash message' }

Note that the request method is not verified. The different methods are available to make the tests more expressive.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 439
def get(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "GET", **args)

Simulate a HEAD request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. See get for more details.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 469
def head(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "HEAD", **args)

Simulate a PATCH request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. See get for more details.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 451
def patch(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "PATCH", **args)

Simulate a POST request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. See get for more details.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 445
def post(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "POST", **args)

Simulate an HTTP request to action by specifying request method, parameters and set/volley the response.

  • action: The controller action to call.

  • method: Request method used to send the HTTP request. Possible values are GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, HEAD. Defaults to GET. Can be a symbol.

  • params: The hash with HTTP parameters that you want to pass. This may be nil.

  • body: The request body with a string that is appropriately encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data).

  • session: A hash of parameters to store in the session. This may be nil.

  • flash: A hash of parameters to store in the flash. This may be nil.

  • format: Request format. Defaults to nil. Can be string or symbol.

  • as: Content type. Defaults to nil. Must be a symbol that corresponds to a mime type.

Example calling create action and sending two params:

process :create,
  method: 'POST',
  params: {
    user: { name: 'Gaurish Sharma', email: '' }
  session: { user_id: 1 },
  flash: { notice: 'This is flash message' }

To simulate GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests prefer using get, post, patch, put, delete and head methods respectively which will make tests more expressive.

It’s not recommended to make more than one request in the same test. Instance variables that are set in one request will not persist to the next request, but it’s not guaranteed that all Rails internal state will be reset. Prefer ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest for making multiple requests in the same test.

Note that the request method is not verified.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 512
def process(action, method: "GET", params: nil, session: nil, body: nil, flash: {}, format: nil, xhr: false, as: nil)

  action = +action.to_s
  http_method = method.to_s.upcase

  @html_document = nil

  @request.set_header "HTTP_COOKIE", cookies.to_header
  @request.delete_header "action_dispatch.cookies"

  @request          = scrub_env!(@request.env), @request.session, @controller.class
  @response         = build_response @response_klass
  @response.request = @request

  if body
    @request.set_header "RAW_POST_DATA", body

  @request.set_header "REQUEST_METHOD", http_method

  if as
    @request.content_type = Mime[as].to_s
    format ||= as

  parameters = (params || {}).symbolize_keys

  if format
    parameters[:format] = format

  setup_request(controller_class_name, action, parameters, session, flash, xhr)
  process_controller_response(action, cookies, xhr)

Simulate a PUT request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. See get for more details.

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 457
def put(action, **args)
  process(action, method: "PUT", **args)
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 560
def query_parameter_names(generated_extras)
  generated_extras[1] + [:controller, :action]
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb, line 564
def setup_controller_request_and_response
  @controller = nil unless defined? @controller

  @response_klass = ActionDispatch::TestResponse

  if klass = self.class.controller_class
    if klass < ActionController::Live
      @response_klass = LiveTestResponse
    unless @controller
        @controller =
        warn "could not construct controller #{klass}" if $VERBOSE

  @request          = TestRequest.create(@controller.class)
  @response         = build_response @response_klass
  @response.request = @request

  if @controller
    @controller.request = @request
    @controller.params = {}


Definition files