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class ActionDispatch::FileHandler

Action Dispatch FileHandler

This endpoint serves static files from disk using Rack::Files.

URL paths are matched with static files according to expected conventions: path, path.html, path/index.html.

Precompressed versions of these files are checked first. Brotli (.br) and gzip (.gz) files are supported. If exists, this endpoint returns that file with a content-encoding: br header.

If no matching file is found, this endpoint responds 404 Not Found.

Pass the root directory to search for matching files, an optional index: "index" to change the default path/index.html, and optional additional response headers.


Accept-Encoding value -> file extension

"br" => ".br",
"gzip" => ".gz",
"identity" => nil

Public class methods

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb, line 55
def initialize(root, index: "index", headers: {}, precompressed: %i[ br gzip ], compressible_content_types: /\A(?:text\/|application\/javascript|image\/svg\+xml)/)
  @root = root.chomp("/").b
  @index = index

  @precompressed = Array(precompressed).map(&:to_s) | %w[ identity ]
  @compressible_content_types = compressible_content_types

  @file_server =, headers)

Public instance methods

Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb, line 69
def attempt(env)
  request = env

  if request.get? || request.head?
    if found = find_file(request.path_info, accept_encoding: request.accept_encoding)
      serve request, *found
Source code GitHub
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb, line 65
def call(env)
  attempt(env) ||

Definition files