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module ActiveRecord::ModelSchema

Public class methods

Determines whether columns should infer their type as :string or :immutable_string. This setting does not affect the behavior of attribute :foo, :string. Defaults to false.


The name of the column(s) records are ordered by if no explicit order clause is used during an ordered finder call. If not set the primary key is used.


Sets the column(s) to sort records by when no explicit order clause is used during an ordered finder call. Useful for models where the primary key isn’t an auto-incrementing integer (such as UUID).

By default, records are subsorted by primary key to ensure deterministic results. To disable this subsort behavior, set ‘implicit_order_column` to `[“column_name”, nil]`.


The name of the table column which stores the class name on single-table inheritance situations.

The default inheritance column name is type, which means it’s a reserved word inside Active Record. To be able to use single-table inheritance with another column name, or to use the column type in your own model for something else, you can set inheritance_column:

self.inheritance_column = 'zoink'

If you wish to disable single-table inheritance altogether you can set inheritance_column to nil

self.inheritance_column = nil


Defines the name of the table column which will store the class name on single-table inheritance situations.

Source code GitHub
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/model_schema.rb, line 164
included do
  class_attribute :primary_key_prefix_type, instance_writer: false
  class_attribute :table_name_prefix, instance_writer: false, default: ""
  class_attribute :table_name_suffix, instance_writer: false, default: ""
  class_attribute :schema_migrations_table_name, instance_accessor: false, default: "schema_migrations"
  class_attribute :internal_metadata_table_name, instance_accessor: false, default: "ar_internal_metadata"
  class_attribute :pluralize_table_names, instance_writer: false, default: true
  class_attribute :implicit_order_column, instance_accessor: false
  class_attribute :immutable_strings_by_default, instance_accessor: false

  class_attribute :inheritance_column, instance_accessor: false, default: "type"
  singleton_class.class_eval do
    alias_method :_inheritance_column=, :inheritance_column=
    private :_inheritance_column=
    alias_method :inheritance_column=, :real_inheritance_column=

  self.protected_environments = ["production"]

  self.ignored_columns = [].freeze

  delegate :type_for_attribute, :column_for_attribute, to: :class


The name of the internal metadata table. By default, the value is "ar_internal_metadata".


Sets the name of the internal metadata table.


Indicates whether table names should be the pluralized versions of the corresponding class names. If true, the default table name for a Product class will be “products”. If false, it would just be “product”. See table_name for the full rules on table/class naming. This is true, by default.


Set whether table names should be the pluralized versions of the corresponding class names. If true, the default table name for a Product class will be “products”. If false, it would just be “product”. See table_name for the full rules on table/class naming. This is true, by default.


The prefix type that will be prepended to every primary key column name. The options are :table_name and :table_name_with_underscore. If the first is specified, the Product class will look for “productid” instead of “id” as the primary column. If the latter is specified, the Product class will look for “product_id” instead of “id”. Remember that this is a global setting for all Active Records.


Sets the prefix type that will be prepended to every primary key column name. The options are :table_name and :table_name_with_underscore. If the first is specified, the Product class will look for “productid” instead of “id” as the primary column. If the latter is specified, the Product class will look for “product_id” instead of “id”. Remember that this is a global setting for all Active Records.


The name of the schema migrations table. By default, the value is "schema_migrations".


Sets the name of the schema migrations table.


The prefix string to prepend to every table name.


Sets the prefix string to prepend to every table name. So if set to “basecamp_”, all table names will be named like “basecamp_projects”, “basecamp_people”, etc. This is a convenient way of creating a namespace for tables in a shared database. By default, the prefix is the empty string.

If you are organising your models within modules you can add a prefix to the models within a namespace by defining a singleton method in the parent module called table_name_prefix which returns your chosen prefix.


The suffix string to append to every table name.


Works like table_name_prefix=, but appends instead of prepends (set to “_basecamp” gives “projects_basecamp”, “people_basecamp”). By default, the suffix is the empty string.

If you are organising your models within modules, you can add a suffix to the models within a namespace by defining a singleton method in the parent module called table_name_suffix which returns your chosen suffix.


Public instance methods

Returns the underlying column value for a column named “id”. Useful when defining a composite primary key including an “id” column so that the value is readable.



Definition files